Obtener Detalles de un Producto en una Tienda

GET https://api.software.madkting.com/shops/(shop_pk)/products/(product_pk)
  • shop_pk – El id de la tienda de la que se quieren obtener el producto.
  • product_pk – Id del producto del que se quiere obtener los detalles.

Objeto de respuesta Producto

Status Codes:

Ejemplo de petición

GET https://api.software.madkting.com/shops/2/products/14/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Token 54f2d8bcfc49e7821da31a83ab95e40213c0a5c1

Ejemplo de respuesta

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json
    "availability": "in_stock",
    "brand": "Microsoft",
    "category_pk": 538,
    "color": "plateado",
    "condition": "new",
    "created_at": "2016-09-08T01:05:41",
    "depth": 20.0,
    "description": "Don\u2019t miss a thing\u2014enjoy high-quality 720p HD widescreen video together with crystal clear audio, with the LifeCam Cinema. Relax while the camera automatically sharpens your images and TrueColor adjusts exposure for bright, vibrant footage. And for even sharper video, take advantage of the high-precision glass lens and ClearFrame Technology to improve the picture even in low light conditions.",
    "dimensions_unit": "cm",
    "discount": null,
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    "gender": "unisex",
    "height": 10.0,
    "images": [
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            "pk": 25,
            "position": 1,
            "url": "https://apptest.madkting.com/gallery/6/products/75597072-74b9-41ab-8c50-02b77a9a023a.png"
    "marketplaces": [
            "category_pk": "98",
            "pk": 5,
            "status": "active"
            "pk": 13,
            "status": "not_listed"
    "name": "LifeCam Cinema",
    "pk": 14,
    "price": 1200.0,
    "shipping_depth": 20.0,
    "shipping_height": 10.0,
    "shipping_width": 20.0,
    "size": "unitalla",
    "sku": "LCC",
    "sku_simple": "LCC",
    "stock": 3,
    "weight": 360.0,
    "weight_unit": "kg",
    "width": 20.0